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The author is always a bit of a foreigner. He is here due to his curiosity, not because of fate


There are authors, who definitively know who they are and tirelessly try to materialise their essence of being. But there are those, who find out who they are through the writing process

K.Batynkov, 2021, image courtesy of the artist


Author – a guide or a source? It depends


The author has a powerful backbone. This is his relationship with his mind.


It is easier for the author to feel physically isolated, rather than intellectual loneliness


To love yourself, you should arrange yourself. It is difficult to love something lacking a form and flowing from one state to another


The author often loses his sense of “taste”. But not when he is describing his character, rather when he describes himself


That is a substantially important question – do you want to die as you actually are? And if not, then woe befall you, because it is almost impossible to become someone other than yourself


A more philosophical disposition is found in someone who experiences physical agony, thinking thoughts other than his own


An author who has lost his ambitions loses everything.


The most reasonable people have always known that inanity will eventually win

Pavel Gelman
writer, screenwriter, author of tv series